Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to us. This statement sets out the policy of Tigcorp Pty Ltd (“Tigcorp”) for the collection, storage and use of personal information, in accordance with in the Privacy Act 1988.

General information about privacy and the operation of the Privacy Act 1988 can be found at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

Compliance with the Privacy Act

Tigcorp is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) established under the Privacy Act 1988 as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 and the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2016.

Collection of Personal Information

To enable Tigcorp to deliver the best possible service to its clients, customers and residents, hereinafter referred to as “customers”, it is necessary for Tigcorp to collect personal information (i.e. information or an opinion that can identify a person) about potential and existing customers.  The type of personal information that is collected will be determined by nature of the relationship between Tigcorp and its potential or actual customers.

This information may be obtained by way of telephone or Internet enquiries or forms filled out by such individuals, face-to-face meetings, interviews, telephone conversations or from a third party (for example, a reference).

At the time personal information is collected, Tigcorp will take reasonable steps to inform its customers about the purpose for which the information is collected, the customers’ right to access the information and other matters contemplated in the Australian Privacy Principles regulating collection of personal information.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Tigcorp is committed not to use or disclose personal information that it has collected, other than in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.  In particular, Tigcorp’s policy is not to use or disclose personal information other than for the purpose for which it was collected or any reasonable secondary purpose.  It is Tigcorp’s policy to obtain its customers’ consent before it uses information for a purpose or in a manner different to the purpose or manner that was disclosed to its customer.

Parties to whom Tigcorp may disclose relevant personal information include:

1. Consultants (including but not limited to solicitors and financial advisors)
2. Agents or contractors (including but not limited to real estate agents)
3. Valuers where Tigcorp is seeking to value a villa or apartment.
4. Regulatory authorities where required by law;
5. Related parties and entities of Tigcorp.

Tigcorp’s Marketing Activities

It is important for Tigcorp to maintain contact with its customers and potential customers.  That contact may involve the sending of marketing material through the post or by email to existing and potential customers.  In these circumstances, it is Tigcorp’s policy to comply with the stated purpose for which personal information was collected.  Tigcorp’s existing and potential customers will always have the opportunity to decline to receive further marketing material.  If Tigcorp receives such a request Tigcorp will update its records appropriately, within a reasonable time.

Distribution of Information

Tigcorp employs a number of contractors and subcontractors in the course of its business activities.  It is sometimes necessary for Tigcorp to give its contractors and subcontractors access to personal information held about its customers.  In these circumstances, it is Tigcorp’s policy to require the contractors or subcontractors who receive from Tigcorp personal information about customers to comply with Tigcorp’s privacy policy, which includes compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

It is Tigcorp’s policy not to sell personal information about existing or potential customers to any organisation.

Management Security of Personal Information

Tigcorp will take reasonable steps to protect personal information that it collects and ensure that the information is accurate.  Secure Servers are used to store customer information which are protected in secure environments by passwords and security access IDs.  Tigcorp employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of any personal information collected.

Tigcorp will not store personal information longer than necessary. Where we no longer require any personal information that it holds, that personal information should be destroyed or have details which may identify individuals removed.

Tigcorp also complies with the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme. Our obligation under the scheme is to mandatorily report eligible data breeches to the Australian Information Commissioner. In the event of an eligible data breach, Tigcorp is committed to complying with any directions handed down from the Commissioner.

Access to and Changing Personal Information

Tigcorp will, if requested to do so, give existing and potential customers copies of the personal information that Tigcorp holds about them.  Before such information is released, Tigcorp will require reasonable proof of identity from the enquiring person.

If any existing or potential customer wishes to update or correct personal information held by Tigcorp about them, Tigcorp will do so on receipt of a written request addressed to Tigcorp’s General Manager, Retirement, as detailed below.

Tigcorp’s Web Site

When Tigcorp’s web site is visited, the web site may send “cookies” to the visitors’ computer.  Cookies are used in transactions over the internet for various reasons including the maintenance of security.  Cookies can also be used to monitor the areas of a website that are visited. Visitors to Tigcorp’s web site who do not wish to receive cookies should select the appropriate settings in their web browser.

Amendments to Tigcorp’s Privacy Policy

This policy may be updated and amended from time to time, at Tigcorp’s discretion.  The current version of Tigcorp’s Privacy Policy will be accessible at its web site, which can be found at

Contacting Tigcorp regarding our Privacy Policy

If there are any questions regarding the Tigcorp Privacy Policy or the way that Tigcorp manages personal information or if there are any concerns about Tigcorp’s treatment of personal information, then Tigcorp may be contacted by post, telephone or email:

All communications regarding our Privacy Policy should be made to:

Privacy Officer

C/O Tigcorp Pty Ltd

Level 14, 644 Chapel
South Yarra Vic 3141

P (03) 8825 7313
F (03) 8825 7399

Thank you for taking the time to read our Privacy Statement